Make Your Place in the World
“The world isn’t ready for you. Not because the world doesn’t need you, but because the world doesn’t know it needs you…”
Systems & Identity
“In spite of all the hoops I have jumped through in my education or profession, the credit of my worth to these entities continues to lie in the hoops I have set before me…”
The Cost of Meditating on Pain
“I wasn’t processing pain; I was meditating on it, and I was doing it quite obsessively.”
Emotions under Pressure
“…it is in life’s most pressurized moments when we truly become the next version of ourselves…”
Successful does not mean Peaceful
“Track truly taught me that outward success does not, and will not, equal internal success.”
My Journey with Depression
“Over time, I have learned that any underused, or overused, emotion can lead to voids within the human soul. “
Surrender to Serenity
“The only arms I was now allowed to bear were those of humility and vulnerability; both of which felt like I was surviving surgery without proper anesthetic.”
When I Learned I Manipulate
“…in order for her to find the beauty she was desperate to find, she had to admit some ugly truths about herself along the way.”
Unexpected Loss
“The same exact place we shared the excitement of an unexpected life would now become the place we would grieve the unexpected loss of a life unlived.”
My Awkward Awakening
“Self-Discovery. Though it sounds like such a whimsical and adventurous process to dive in and unveil the person you were meant to be to this world; it’s not quite as magical when one discovers that person is socially awkward to her core.”
The Voice of Trauma
“I had this group of people that wanted to be a safe place for me, and it frankly pissed me off how hard it was to ‘protect’ them from my own pain.”
The Discomfort of Becoming
“The truth about real life is that we are hardly ever fully prepared to be the person we want to become.”
A Letter to Myself
“Dear Ivy,
Stay confident in your call and let the chains of social expectations fall.”
Emotions are not the Enemy
“Emotions are not the enemy, but they are not the savior either. “
My First Panic Attack
“This was the moment I decided my anxiety deserved to be respected. “
The Gifts of Grief
“Our memories are fortified with meaning far greater than physical time together; when they are threaded with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness, those things are sewn into the earth’s fibers able to be accessed by those that are left behind.”
Performing Life Kept Me Anxious & Busy
“The crowds of the world carried the perceptions I valued so dearly, and it was my responsibility to avoid any image of weakness they had to offer.”