A Letter to Myself

Have you ever written yourself an encouraging letter? It was harder for me than I expected it would be, but I decided to gift myself these words on my 32nd birthday, and I’m glad I took the time to do it. Enjoy!

Dear Ivy,

32 years on this earth, and for as long as you are able- I know you are far from finished.

There once was a day you thought you’d have it all figured out by now. A time when life after your 20’s was meant for coasting and comfort, and while it’s all been a bit messier and riskier than you ever thought it would be- I’m grateful you set those expectations aside and decided to experience life instead of master it. Thank you for finding a space to be a work in progress and a value for being a clumsy beginner. I appreciate the grace you have learned to extend to your imperfections. It’s easier to live with you now that you don’t have all that shame and judgement to carry around to survive. I remember the days when silence and stillness felt like torture for your mind, and though I know those things aren’t always easy; I’m proud of how far you have come.  

My hope for you this year is boldness and freedom from the fear of being misunderstood. I challenge you to relentlessly be yourself in a world full of boxes and molds. Some of which you fit into and many of which you don’t. Stay confident in your call and let the chains of social expectations fall. Don’t’ be distracted by the opinions. Don’t overthink the transitions. Dive. Leap. Grow. Make messes. Clean them up and enjoy the process. Love so hard you risk rejection and apologize as much as the strength of your relationships need. As you check off the to-do’s and “I owe you’s;” always remember that showing up for people will be the greatest legacy you leave behind.

Believe the words God has spoken over you more than any thoughts of doubt and invite Him on every adventure you take. Let the emotions come and allow them to flow through your soul, but never forget to guide them back to your peace. Find a rhythm, but don’t be afraid to change the tune. Put yourself out there. Fail valiantly. And become a little bit more of yourself than you were before.

Sincerely Yours,


P.S. I am proud of you.


The Discomfort of Becoming


Emotions are not the Enemy